Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Thread a servo mounting screw into each of the holes for
mounting the servo. This will cut the threads for the screws
in preparation of the next step.
Step 3
Place 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole to harden the
surrounding wood. This harder surface will make the screws
less likely to vibrate loose.
Step 4
Remove the tape that secures the string inside the wing. Do
not remove the string from the wing. Tie the end around the
servo extension.
Step 5
Use the string to pull the servo lead through the wing and
out the hole as shown.
Step 6
Secure the servo in the wing using the screws included
with the servo. Make sure the output of the servo faces the
Step 7
Remove the stock servo horns from the servo. Center the
servo using the radio system. Use a 180-degree servo horn
on the servo. You may need to rotate the horn 180-degrees
to get it to align parallel to the aileron hinge line. Use a pin
drill and 5/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge the hole that is
9/16-inch (15mm) from the center of the servo horn for the
pushrod wire.