Installation Instructions 3.19
5. Make adjustments to the placement of the blue
rack as necessary to align the blue rack with the
front white gear on the HQ Pro-Stitcher carriage
Figure 3.34
6. If alignment using the wooden block is accurate,
continue using the wooden block as a guide to
mount the remainder of the blue rack to the table
top. Otherwise, use the carriage as a guide and
align the blue rack with the white gear along the
length of the table, removing the pink protective
layer and pressing downward on the blue rack
while moving down the entire length of the
table top.
7. Trim the rack to length using a knife or wire
cutters if necessary
(the blue rack does not
necessarily need to extend from end to end and can
actually be a couple of inches shorter if desired)
8. At the ends of the blue rack, use the four small
metal clamps
(Page 16 , B)
to hold the ends firmly
in place
Figure 3.35
. The clamps have a hole
through the center and a lip on one end. The lip
should be on the side opposite the blue rack. Drill
pilot holes using the 3/32” drill bit and then attach
the clamps as shown on either end of the blue
rack using a Phillips screwdriver.
Do not use the larger drill bit included in the
emergency repair kit…this is the wrong size for the
X-rack clamps! As an alternative, choose to use one
clamp at each end using the lip of the clamp to slide
over the last gear of the blue rack
Figure 3.36
Figure 3.34
Figure 3.35
Figure 3.36
Front of Frame