Innovative Vehicle Solutions
Operator‘s Guide
Sensor modulator tests
The sensor-modulator tests is a combination of the
sensor output to the correct modulator.
Rotate each wheel through 1 revolution in 2 seconds.
The system should brake the spinning wheel.
The test sequence is as listed in the results section of
the dialog (e.g. S1A, S2A, S1B, S2B, SL0A, SL0B for this
example shown)
Result section:
Yellow indicates wheel has moved.
Green indicates test passed.
Red indicates test failed.
S1A test passed
If the moving wheel is successfully braked, the S1A test
will pass and move onto the next wheel to be tested.
Wheel speed detected
(moving blue bar)
Moving wheel
(yellow indication)
The screen display as shown is relevant to a Master 4S / 2M system.
Correct wheel braked
(green indication)
S1A test started
Manually rotate wheel S1A at 1 revolution in 2