Innovative Vehicle Solutions
Operator‘s Guide
Traction help / disable lift axle - ILAS-E front:
Activated by demand signal on AUX port (yellow wire)
or related inputs.
Corresponding thresholds must be set in the ‘Traction
Overload Limit’ part of the IlAS Configuration dialog
(default: 130 %, 30 kph)
Traction help / disable lift axle - ILAS-E rear:
Works only if no ILAS-E front is programmed.
Activated by a demand signal on the AUX port (yellow
wire) or related inputs.
Corresponding thresholds must be set in the ‘Traction
Overload Limit’ part of the IlAS Configuration dialog
(default: 130 %, 30 kph)
Lift axle info:
Lift axle functions can be controlled / extended by
several inputs. These inputs don’t control the output
directly as in other cases. In this case inputs are logically
connected to the yellow wire of the AUX port.
With the yellow wire you can control manual lift axles
and traction support and you get the same result if you
use one or more of the Super AUX or GPI inputs.
If you use automatic lift axles, only the input for ILAS E
front is used.
AUX traction support is started if the yellow wire (AUX
1 / 2 / 3) OR any of the inputs are active.
Note: Yellow wire must only be used on AUX 1 / 2 / 3.
AUX traction support is started if the yellow wire AND
all of the inputs are active.
Standard Output: Function AND/OR Logic High ->
24 V to solenoid, otherwise 0 V.
0 V
Inverted output: Function AND / OR logic High ->
0 V to solenoid, otherwise 24 V.