Innovative Vehicle Solutions
Operator‘s Guide
Programming of AUX 4 and AUX 5 on EB+ 4.0 is only
possible using DIAG++ software.
Standard AUX allows the user to program two totally
independent inputs. One on AUX 4 and one on AUX 5.
Each AUX has three wires that can be used as follows:
Red wire – 5 volt supply
Yellow wire – Analogue input
Black wire – system ground
Programming Standard AUX using DIAG++
Programming of AUX 4 and AUX 5 on EB+ 4.0 is only
possible using DIAG++ software.
The ‘AUX configuration’ screen shows the various
auxiliary connections that can be used.
AUX 4 Analogue input
AUX 5 Analogue input
Clicking on the drop down arrow displays a list of
options that can be selected on that auxiliary.
AUX 4 and AUX 5
Standard AUX