Innovative Vehicle Solutions
Operator‘s Guide
Load Transfer (AUX 2 & 3)
This feature uses two solenoid valves to exhaust and
hold the pressure in the rear axle suspension bellows
of a semi-trailer. This effectively reduces the dynamic
wheelbase of the trailer, which in turn increases the
share of the load carried by the remaining trailer axles
thereby minimising risk of drive axle overloading.
Note: A 3M system configuration is required, with the
1M remote modulator measuring the rear axle sus-
pension pressure and controlling the rear axle brakes
Load Transfer & lift
Load Transfer
Transfer Above - this is the overall percentage load
above which automatic Load Transfer is allowed.
Load Target - this is the target percentage load on the
front/centre axles after transfer has taken place, +/- the
‘Load Target Tolerance’
Tag Axle Minimum Pressure - Load transfer may stop
before the ‘Load Target is reached in order to protect
the ‘Tag Axle Minimum Pressure’. This ensures that a
minimum load is always carried by the rear axle.
Lift Axle - Optionally the suspension exhaust solenoid
valve can be an ILAS-E lift axle valve. This means that
it is also possible to completely lift rear axles. ‘Raise
Below’ and ‘Drop Above’ overall load percentages work
in the same way as a conventional lift axle.