Deleting a file through the CLI
You can use the
command in user view to delete a file.
: Deletes the file immediately without placing it into the Recycle Bin.
: Name of the file to be deleted.
# Delete test.txt from the root directory.
<System> delete test.txt
Delete flash:/test.txt?[Y/N]:y
%Delete file flash:/test.txt...Done.
The file text.txt is now temporarily in the Recycle Bin. You can use the
command to restore the
file from the Recycle Bin.
# Restore the file text.txt from the Recycle Bin.
<System> undelete test.txt
Undelete flash:/test.txt? [Y/N]:y
% Undeleted file flash:/test.txt.
Dealing with Password Loss
This section describes how to deal with password loss.
BootWare Password Loss
If you have forgotten the BootWare password, contact your local dealer. The technical support staff will
help you log in to the system and set a new password.
To change the BootWare password, enter the BootWare main menu, select
, and follow the
instructions. The following information is displayed on the terminal:
please input old password:
Please input new password:
Please input new password again:
Password Set Successfully.
Once you enter a wrong old password or different new passwords, the password modification
operation fails and the system exits this operation.
A BootWare password can contain up to 32 characters, including printable characters such as
letters, numerals, and punctuations.
User Password Loss
Your login will be refused if you have forgotten the user password. In this case, set a new user password
by following the steps below: