The output shows the SSH feature has been rolled back to the original version. Image
flash:/ssh-feature-a0201.bin has been removed.
Related commands
display install rollback
install verify
install verify
to verify the software change confirmation status and software image integrity and
install verify
User view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
If some software images are not integral or some activated/deactivated software images are not
confirmed, a switchover might not occur as expected, and the IRF members might run different
versions of software images after a reboot or even cannot reboot correctly.
To solve the problem, perform one of the following tasks:
Download and install the software images again to ensure software integrity.
Use the
install activate
install deactivate
, and
install commit
commands as appropriate to
guarantee software image consistency.
# Verify the software change confirmation status and software image integrity and consistency on
member devices.
<Sysname> install verify
Active packages on slot 1 are the reference packages.
Packages will be compared with the reference packages.
This operation will take several minutes, please wait...
Verifying packages on slot 1:
Start to check active package completeness.
flash:/boot-a0101.bin verification successful.
flash:/system-a0101.bin verification successful.
Start to check active package consistency.
Active packages are consistent with committed packages on their own board.
Active packages are consistent with the reference packages.
Verifying packages on slot 2:
Start to check active package completeness.
flash:/boot-a0101.bin verification successful.
flash:/system-a0101.bin verification successful.
Start to check active package consistency.
Active packages are consistent with committed packages on their own board.
Active packages are consistent with the reference packages.
Verification is done.