usb: will be divided into the following partitions:
DeviceName Capacity
usba0: 85MB
usba1: 85MB
usba2: 86MB
All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y
Partitioning usba:...Done.
# Divide the USB disk on the device into one partition in an interactive way.
<Sysname> fdisk usba:
The capacity of usba: : 256M bytes
Partition 1 (32MB~224MB, 256MB. Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):
or enter
usba: will be divided into the following partition(s):
DeviceName Capacity
usba0: 256MB
All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y
Partitioning usba:...Done.
# Divide the USB disk on the device into three partitions and specify the size for each partition:
<Sysname> fdisk usba:
The capacity of usba: : 256M bytes
Partition 1 (32MB~224MB, 256MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available
// Enter
to set the size of the first partition to 128 MB.
Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):31
// Enter
to set the size of the second partition to 31 MB.
The partition size must be greater than or equal to 32MB.
Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available
// Enter
to set the size of the second partition to 1000 MB.
The partition size must be less than or equal to 128MB.
Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):127
// Enter
to set the size of the second partition to 127 MB.
The remaining space is less than 32MB. Please enter the size of partition 2 again.
Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):
// Enter
to set the size of the second partition to 56 MB.
Partition 3 (32MB~40MB, 72MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):
// Press
to assign the remaining space to the third partition.
usba: will be divided into the following partition(s):
DeviceName Capacity
usba0: 128MB
usba1: 56MB
usba2: 72MB
All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y
Partitioning usba:...Done.