TLC 2100
Tape Speed
The Tape Speed Commands are entered by pressing the Control -S, and then pressing
the letter or symbol key listed next to the commands below. These commands do not
echo back the command characters. If, in response to a command, the specified speed was
switched, the response will be "CR LF*". If the specified speed could not be switched, the
reponse will be "?CR LF*".
Eg. Pressing Control and "S" and then @ sends a 2 Hour Command.
The following set of commands is for Normal Tape Speeds:
C S + @ 02 Hour
C S + A 18 Hour
C S + B 24 Hour
C S + C 48 Hour
C S + D 72 Hour
C S + E 120 Hour
C S + F 180 Hour
C S + G 240 Hour
C S + H 360 Hour
C S + I 480 Hour
C S + J 600 Hour
C S + K 720 Hour
C S + L 960 Hour
C S + M 00 Hour
C S + N A18 Hour
C S + O A24 Hour
C S + @ 06 Hour
C S + A 18 Hour
C S + B 30 Hour
C S + C 48 Hour
C S + D 72 Hour
C S + E 120 Hour
C S + F 175 Hour
C S + G 240 Hour
C S + H 360 Hour
C S + I 480 Hour
C S + J 600 Hour
C S + K 720 Hour
C S + L 960 Hour
C S + M 00 Hour
C S + N A18 Hour
C S + O A30 Hour
Program Control
C A + A Program
C A + B Previous
C A + C Next
C A + D Down
C A + E Up
C A + F Black/White
C A + G Vertical Position
C A + H Horizontal Position
C A + I Alarm Reset
C A + J Rec/Play Hours Down
C A + K Rec/Play Hours Up
C A + L Alarm Index
C A + M A [A Button Function]
C A + N B [B Button Function]
C A + O C [C Button Function]
C A + P Normal/HD Mode
[HD models]
C A + Q Mode Lock
C A + S VCR Extended Status
The following set of commands is for HD Tape Speeds (Note:
Note: these commands
are only operational with SHD models):
Note (for SHD models only)
that the command characters are the same in both sets of
commands, but the controlling factor is whether the VCR is operating in Normal or HD
mode. If you are in Normal mode and wish to send HD speed commands, you must first
switch from the Normal mode to the HD mode (or vice-versa).
For example:
if the VCR is in 2-hr. speed (Normal mode) and you wish to switch to 6-
hr. speed (HD mode), you would have to follow these steps: 1) put VCR in STOP mode,
2) switch to HD mode and, 3) switch to 6 hr. mode. Therefore, you would need to send
the following commands in this order: A+5, A+P, S+@.
Important Note:
You can only switch between normal and HD modes when the VCR
is in Stop mode.
The 00 hour (one-shot)
speed will work for all
operating modes ex-
cept Play mode.
The A24/30 hour speed
command will work for
all operating modes
except Record mode.
The A12/A18 hour
speed commands
work for all modes.
The VCR can deter-
mine if it is audio or
not, based on the op-
erating mode.