Manual for connection and operation of the
GIA 2000 / AAG and GIR 2002 / AAG
page 9 of 30
3.4. Connecting switching outputs
(only for GIR 2002)
In order to avoid unwanted or wrong switching processes, we suggest to connect the
device’s switching outputs after you have configured the device’s switching outputs
The device features two switching outputs (relays) by default.
Please take care that you must not exceed the limits of the voltage and of the maximum current
of the switching outputs (not even for a short period of time). Please take extreme care when
switching inductive loads (like coils or relays, etc.). Because of their high voltage peaks, protec-
tive measures (e.g. RC-element) to limit these peaks have to be taken.
In case of configuring one output as an alarm output, the output will be active in idle state (no
alarm present). The output relay opens when an alarm condition occurred.
3.5. Common wiring of several devices
At the standard devices the power supply, measuring input, transmitter supply and the serial interface are
electrically isolated of each other.
At device options (e.g. dc-supply) it can occur that this isolation is not completely guaranteed (e.g. connec-
tion of – power supply to GND).
When interconnecting several of this devices you have to make sure that there is no potential displacement.