Chapter 9 – License Agreement & Warranty
Firebird 2
On-line Manual
agreement and also completes and returns the registration card to GRAVIS. If
you transfer the software, you must cease using the software, and you must
also transfer, at the same time, all backup copies and documentation. Alterna-
tively, you are permitted to transfer the documentation and destroy all backup
copies. You are not permitted to use the software as a computer service
business, nor to rent or lease these rights to others.
TERM: This license is granted only if all conditions here stated are agreed to by
you, and is effective until terminated. This license is automatically terminated if
you fail to comply with any of the conditions set out in this agreement. You
agree that upon such termination, you will immediately destroy all programs,
copies, and documentation contained herein.
LIMITED WARRANTY: These programs are provided as-is, without warranties
of any kind. The entire risk of the results and performance of the program is
borne by you. Should a program prove defective, you, not GRAVIS or its
licensors, dealers, or agents, assume entire liability, cost of repair, correction,
or any payment whatsoever. Furthermore, no warrant or guarantee is made
regarding representations of the use or results of the program in terms of
correctness, accuracy, reliability, or timeliness. You rely on the program at your
own risk.
...License Agreement, cont’d.