Firebird 2 User’s Guide
Chapter 7 – Troubleshooting
Why do the Firebird 2 buttons perform the wrong commands
when I press them?
You may be experiencing one of these problems:
You may be running a memory-resident program that remaps the keyboard.
If you are running a Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program that remaps
the keyboard, Firebird 2 may not perform the functions you assigned to it.
Firebird 2 sends commands through your keyboard and relies on standard
keyboard mapping to perform button functions.
Before using Firebird 2, remove any TSRs that remap the keyboard from
memory. (The MS-DOS alternate language keyboard mappings don’t cause
problems for the Firebird.)
You may not have the correct control set loaded.
Find the correct set for the game you want to play, and load it using FBD.EXE
or the Control Console. Check the set using
Your game may be unable to handle incoming keystrokes fast enough.
Some games may miss keystrokes sent at the joystick's usual high speed. If,
with some games, Firebird 2 appears to sporadically miss some or all key-