DC330mini/nano note
This manual is for the DC330mini and the DC330nano
The DC330mini line is identical to the DC330 – only difference is that it is much more compact. The
DC330 nano does not have a flexo unit – it is lamination only.
The DC330mini & Nano can’t operate inline without a buffer module installed.
Control panel
The control panel is fitted with a touch panel, and on the right side, the POWER button, Emergency Stop
button, the four torque adjustment knobs, and the speed button .
The symbols indicate which spindle a torque control knob is related to.
On the side of the controlpanel, the manometer adjustment for knife and nip is placed.
To power up, first check that the main switch is turned ON, and the Emergency Stop buttons are released.
Press the POWER button. The touch panel will light up.