A series of tests has been done on standard label material.
Tool: 25” Gerhard cylinder.
Plates: 304.8 mm plate distorted for a 25” (200Z) die. Three different dispro factors tested.
The gab size between the labels was 2.8 mm giving a distance of 304.8 mm – 2.8mm = 302 mm between
the first and last cutting line.
Dispro factor
Difference in millimetres
Test plate A
99,5874 301,61 mm
Gab to big.
Test plate B
99,6504 301,81 mm
Gab to big.
Test plate C
99,71339 302,07 mm
Gab to small.
Ideal length (304.8mm - 2.8mm gab)
302 mm
Ideal dispro factor for 25" die
(calculated using the results from the test plates)
Remember that this factor can be altered by web stretching (thick/special web curving around rollers),
and mechanical factors (plate manufacture tolerances / die cylinder mechanical tolerances).
Keep in mind that if the dispro factor is a bit off, the error will become large as the plate size increases.
Keep the plates small to minimize distortion problems and lower costs.
Difficult long die plate. 10 labels in the length direction. High demands on the print lenght, registration and
plate dispro factor.
Good die plate. Two labels, short length. Short distance between registration marks, no dispro factor