Finally check the first adjust and repeat the two steps until all measures are OK.
If the impression between plate and web is too weak the image is not imprinted evenly. This is seen as
holes in solids and type. Too little pressure between the anilox roller and the plate is seen as bare lines
across the web.
The most frequent reason for a poor impression is too high pressure between anilox roller and print roller
or between print roller and web.
Too strong pressure between the anilox roller and the plate is seen as a brim of ink behind the back edge
of the plate.
Too strong impression between plate and paper gives an outline of ink at each letter. The whole image can
also be deformed by too strong impression.
The choice of anilox roller determines how much ink the plate receives. If this coverage is heavy and the
pressure on the impression to high it will be seen as a rim of pressed out ink at the rear edge of solids.
The expression "kiss printing" is often used to describe how light the pressure should be between anilox
roller, plate and paper.
Light but adequate impression is best achieved with new plates carefully mounted without air bubbles
underneath. Correct ink viscosity (possibly checked with a Zahncup) is also an important prerequisite to
achieve printing "as soft as a kiss".