Manuale d’Istruzioni/Instruction’s Manual
times at second, is maintained at few watt power , so to not produce any important increase of
temperature in the treated tissues. It is used a generator connected to transducers that are applied
in direct contact with the skin or near it, because the intensity of produced field ends in a
proportional way to the square of the distance.
Magnetotherapy by low frequency pulsed magnetic fields is consider a valid physic therapy,
with positive biological effects, above all indicates in the treatment of bony fractures and
inflammatory and chronic degenerative diseases.
The many benefits and the total penetration into the tissues, with consequent deep effectiveness,
the absence of injurious
effects for low and slight intensities, allow a great use of
Magnetotherapy by ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) fields that act for effect of induced
Magnetotherapy (ELF) is characterized by:
Low frequency
Slight electrical field
Low irradiated power
Slight thermal effect
High penetration into the tissues.
About general theraputical parameters, usually low frequencies and higher intensities are
prescribed to obtain a biostimulating effect, while high frequencies and lower intensities are
preferred to obtain analgesic and/or sedative effect. Middle frequencies and intensities are used
to stimulate arterial circulation.
Application’s time change according to the patology from 10 minutes, for arthro- rheumatic
diseases, to several hours, for pseudo arthrosis, and the session’s number changes from some
days for acute phlogistic processes to some months for patology like pseudoarthrosis.