Manuale d’Istruzioni/Instruction’s Manual
This equipment was manufactured to satisfy the present electromagnetic compatibility.
In case of the functioning of the unit is interfered or interfies with the normal
functioning of other electrical and electronic equipments, it is recommended to feed
the equipment by a different electrical plug and/or try to dispose the unit in a different
way until to the interference ends.
Do not use mobile phone near to the equipment to avoid possible interference with it.
It is recommended to not carry out this therapy at the same time of TENS and/or
Many components used inside this equipment are sensible to the electrostatic charges.
If you need to hand any electronic component, avoid the eventual static energy that
you can carry, by touching a mass plane to charge at hearth. If it is possible, wear a
bracelet connected to earth. If you do not observe these precautions you could cause
permanent damages to the electronic components of the unit.
When the unit is working do not put the magnets near any type of screens (monitor, tv,
etc..), this could cause the images and colours distortion.
Before the use of the unit verify the conditions of cables and equipment to
individualize electric dangers.
The unit does not fit explosive or gas environments.