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- In case of control rpm by external DC voltage
- In case of control rpm by external DC voltage
- In case of control rpm by external DC voltage
- In case of control rpm by external DC voltage
In case of set MOTOR speed by external DC power supply instead of an external variable
resistor for speed setting that is attached to the product, connect DC power supply and
CONTROL PACK as follows.
(However, use isolated line certainly for the DC power output and the AC input, and take
care not to chage polarity.)
(Wiring Diagram in case of control the speed by external DC voltage)
- Multistage switching method of rpm
- Multistage switching method of rpm
- Multistage switching method of rpm
- Multistage switching method of rpm
1. In case of need multi-speed control, set
VR1, VR2, VR3 respectively and can be
switched speed by the SW1, SW2, SW3.
Set switching time of SWITCH by RELAY contact point switching time
VR1, VR2, VR3
20K 1/4W B
SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4
DC 20V 10mA
2. There is contained 1 SET of VOLUME for external setting in CONTROL PACK package
BOX. If you need to purchase more of our products, please purchase separately.