AutoVu SharpX mobile installation | AutoVu Hardware Guide for SharpX Mobile Installation
EN.410.018-XS(6) | Last updated: October 6, 2016
(Side-mount) To run the cable:
1 Install the provided cable gland (grommet) in the camera cable hole.
2 Install additional cable glands (not provided) in the hole drilled in the trunk and any other camera
cable holes.
3 Run the camera cable to the LPR Processing Unit location.
(Trunk-mount) To run the cable:
1 Install the provided cable gland (grommet) in the camera cable hole.
2 Run the camera cable to the LPR Processing Unit location.
3 Secure the camera cable to the trunk lid and trunk hinge using tie wraps.
Watch this video to learn more. Click the
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available languages.
Mounting a wheel imaging camera
After you have drilled the mounting holes and run the wheel imaging camera cable, you can mount
the wheel imaging camera using the supplied hardware.
To mount the wheel imaging camera:
1 Insert the two M4 x 25 mm bolts through the camera base and vehicle body panel/trunk lid.
2 Attach the nuts using a 7 mm socket or key wrench and secure the camera base to the vehicle.
(Side mount) Depending on the vehicle, you may need to access the inside of the body
panel either through the tail light assembly or by removing the trunk liner.