keypad overview
Compact series of entry-level keypads that
gives complete control to wet fingers!
In.k200™ is a compact keypad designed to be used with Aeware's
in.xe™ spa systems.
This new series of entry-level keypads comes in a waterproof
plastic enclosure and is available in single pump, dual pump;
dual pump/blower or pump/blower configurations.
Easy to install, in.k200™ comes with an in.link™ connector.
Note: The in.xe™ spa control is also compatible with the following
keypads:in.k200™, in.k400™, in.k450™, in.k600™(streamlined). In.k19™,
in.k35™, in.k4 and in.k8™ (with in.link™ connector).
Note: The following instructions are generic and provide a quick overview
of the main functions. Please refer to your own QRC for specific functions.