CP usage
CP Standard = 0
CP Always On = 1
Usage of the circulation pump
Ozone usage
Ozone with filtration = 0
Ozone Always On = 1
Usage of the ozone generator
Ozone Pump
Circulation pump = 0
Pump #1 = 1
Pump associated with the ozone generator
Ozone Type
Standard (UV) = 0
Timed (Corona) = 1
Type of Ozone generator
Heater Pump
Circulation pump = 0
Pump #1 = 1
Pump associated with the Heater
Filter Config
Purge only = 0
With Circ. Pump = 1
With Pump 1, Low speed = 2
Filter cycle configuration
Temp. Units
°F = 0
°C = 1
Temperature units used on display
Clock Format
No time display = 0
AM/PM format = 1
24H format = 2
Clock display format
Cool down
30 to 240 seconds
Cool down of the heating element in seconds
Output 1A current
1 to 20 amperes
Current draw of the accessory connected to the relay of Output 1A
Output 1B current
1 to 15 amperes
Current draw of the accessory connected to the relay of Output 1B
Table 3
programming the in.xe™