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Door Gaskets
The doors and drawers have magnetic gaskets
that create a positive seal to the front of the steel
cabinet. The magnetic door gaskets are secured to
the doors by rounded edges that lock into a retainer
To remove and replace the door gasket:
1. Starting at any corner, pull the old gasket out of
the retaining channel.
2. Soak the new gasket in warm water to make it
3. Push the rounded edge of the gasket into the
retainer channel.
Circular Wall LED Lights
The circular wall LED lights operate on 3 VDC
supplied from the power supply board. Each LED
light is permanently attached to a circuit board.
These LED boards are wired in a series circuit, and if
one goes out, ALL go out.
To replace an LED board:
1. Using a small,
at blade screwdriver, pry out and
remove the light cover from the side wall.
2. Push the large tab away from the LED board,
and then remove the LED board.
3. Disconnect the wire harness from the LED board.
Light Cover
LED Board
Large Tab