Masoneilan SVI II AP Digital Positioner Quick Start Guide
© 2015 General Electric Company. All rights reserved
ES-699 Rev AA
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SVI-II AP (+) and (-) PV 1-5VDC Terminals
The Process Transmitter and the SVI-II AP PV Input are both barrier protected. The
transmitter 4 to 20 mA signal is converted to 1 to 5 Volts at the Transmitter barrier.
The 1 to 5 volt signal is monitored by the DCS and used by the SVI-II AP for the
embedded process controller. The sense resistor may be in the barrier or in the
Digital Control System.
The Process Transmitter must be approved for use with the Process Transmitter
Barrier. An example of a suitable barrier is MTL 788 or 788R An example of the PV
INPUT barrier is MTL 728.
Entity Parameters of the SVI-II AP PV terminals:
Vmax = 30 Vdc; Imax = 125 mA; Ci = 1 nF; Li = 0 uH;
Pmax = 900 mW
SVI-II AP (+) and (-) SW Terminals
There are two independent isolated solid state switch contact outputs on the SVI-II
AP. They are labeled SW#1 and SW#2. The switches are polarity sensitive – that
is, conventional current flows INTO the plus terminal. An examples of suitable
barriers are MTL 707, MTL 787 and MTL 787S. Entity parameters are:
Vmax = 30 Vdc Imax = 125 mA Ci = 5 nF
Li = 10 uH
Pmax = 900 mW
SVI-II AP (1) and (2) and (3) REMOTE Terminals
The REMOTE terminals deliver reference Voltage to an optional remote position
sensing potentiometer. Current, Voltage, and Power are limited by the SVI-II AP.
The REMOTE terminals entity parameters are the parameters of the 4 to 20 mA
INPUT barrier.
The SVI-II REMOTE MOUNT is approved for use as a remote position sensing
device with the SVI-II AP.
SVI-II AP Entity parameters are:
Uo/Voc = 6.5 Volts Io/Isc = 9.6 mA Ca = 22 uF La = 300 mH
Connect only to suitable potentiometer
SVI-II REMOTE MOUNT Entity parameters/Energy Limitation Parameters are:
Ui/Vmax=6.5Volts, Ii/Imax=10.5mA, Ci=0uF, Li=0, Pi=68mW
Digital In Terminals
The Digital In terminal is suitable for direct connection to a passive switch.
Entity Parameters are:
Uo/Voc = 6.5 Volts Io/Isc = 72 mA Ca = 1.25 uF La = 2 mH
Connect only to passive (Un-powered) switch.