Either of these switches can operate as querier because a multicast router is not present
on the network. (If an IGMP switch does not detect a querier, it automatically assumes this
role, assuming the querier feature is enabled-the default-within IGMP.)
FIGURE 15–2: Isolating multicast traffic in a network
In the above figure, the multicast group traffic does not go to switch 1 and beyond. This is
because either the port on switch 3 that connects to switch 1 has been configured as
blocked or there are no hosts connected to switch 1 or switch 2 that belong to the
multicast group.
For PC 1 to become a member of the same multicast group without flooding IP multicast
traffic on all ports of switches 1 and 2, IGMP must be configured on both switches 1 and 2,
and the port on switch 3 that connects to switch 1 must be unblocked.
15.1.3 IP Multicast Filters
IP multicast addresses occur in the range from through (which
corresponds to the Ethernet multicast address range of 01005e-000000 through 01005e-
7fffff in hexadecimal.) Devices such as the MultiLink ML810 Managed Edge Switch having
static Traffic/Security filters configured with a “Multicast” filter type and a “Multicast
Address” in this range will continue in effect unless IGMP learns of a multicast group
destination in this range. In that case, IGMP takes over the filtering function for the
multicast destination address(es) for as long as the IGMP group is active. If the IGMP group
subsequently deactivates, the static filter resumes control over traffic to the multicast
address formerly controlled by IGMP.
15.1.4 Reserved Addresses Excluded from IP Multicast (IGMP) Filtering
Traffic to IP multicast groups in address range to will always be
flooded because addresses in this range are “well known” or “reserved”. Thus, if IP Multicast
is enabled and there is an IP multicast group within the reserved address range, traffic to
that group will be flooded instead of filtered by the switch.