• If the grind size is too coarse the water flows too quickly. The result is watery
and lacking in colour and flavour, because a lot of natural, flavouring agents of
the coffee are missing. You should use a finer grind size (small icons).
The Optimum Ratio of Amounts
The taste of your coffee depends strongly on the ratio of amounts of water and cof-
fee powder. These parameters are controlled via the amount of water, you fill into
the water tank and, when using the grinder, the settings at the appliance: grind size
(see above), strength (strong, medium, weak), and the number of cups (2 to 8 cups).
• The amount of water filled into the water tank for each brewing cycle depends on
the number of cups you wish to make. Adapt the other parameters accordingly
(see: ‘Brewing Coffee / Setting the Amount, Strength and Taste of your Coffee’).
• When using pre-ground coffee powder, you should start your first attempts by
filling the same amount of coffee powder into the filter, you have always been
using with other systems of coffee making.
Always ensure that young children do
not play with any packaging material!
Do not leave young children without
supervision with the appliance, any part of it, or the packaging in their reach.
Do not use violence when attempting to pull out the filter hol-
der from under the brewing head!
Always press the opening button at the right
side of the housing to release the filter holder, before turning the filter holder out.
1. Unpack the appliance and all parts carefully. Press the opening button at the right
side of the housing for releasing the filter holder (see: ‘Knowing Your COFFEE
MACHINE GRIND & BREW PRO THERMO’). Ensure that you have found all parts
and accessories. Filter basket, re-usable filter, and splash shield may be inserted in
the filter holder.
2. Remove and discard all promotional labels, stickers, and packaging materials
attached to your COFFEE MACHINE GRIND & BREW PRO THERMO, but do
not remove the model label at the bottom of the housing.
Always ensure that
young children do not play with any parts or accessories or the packaging!