GAP Diagnostic 2023-09-12 All Rights Reserved
User Manual G3 units: Version 37, Firmware V4.0
It is preferable to adjust each axle separately avoiding air transfer from the front axle to the rear.
Please refer to the manufacturer’s FAQ located on the website for more details.
Test Valve Example, manually control the air suspension (from our FAQ)
If the suspension becomes inoperative and manual control is required to get out of a trail for example,
proceed with the following:
IIDTool Menu->Service Test->Suspension*->Test Valve->Select the front axle only, adjust to the
desired height
IIDTool Menu->Service Test->Suspension(->Test Valve-> Select the rear axle only, adjust to the
desired height
Each corner can be adjusted independently if needed.
Keep in mind that raising both axles using Adjust All is not recommended since it takes much
longer to reach the desired height. This is because the pressure equalizes when all four corner
valves are opened (air goes from the front airbags to the rears) thus increasing the time requi
red to raise the front axle.
If you are raising the vehicle significantly, the compressor may need to cool down before it can pump
additional air in the system.
Once the desired height is reached, exit Test Valve mode and disable the suspension: IIDTool Menu-
>Service Test->Suspension->Build Mode
When finished, simply put it back into customer mode by calling the Build Mode function once more:
IIDTool Menu->Service Test->Suspension*->Build Mode
Not raising all four corners will put the vehicle out of balance and this can cause a safety hazard. We do
not recommend driving an unstable vehicle but it can be useful to recover the vehicle with a defective
EAS while offroad. Do not drive an unstable vehicle at high speed.
*CHCM on 2017