BENZING M1 – Züchter
GANTNER Pigeon Systems GmbH
For the BENZING M1 we provide
a two-year limited warranty
concerning perfect material and performance. This means that all parts which prove to be
useless or defective during this period of time as a result of defective material or poor
workmanship will be exchanged or replaced free of charge.
The warranty does neither include the fees charged for the delivery of the exchanged or
replaced parts, nor wear and tear, nor damages that have been generated by careless and
improper use.
The warranty does not apply if components of the system are opened by persons who are
not explicitly authorized by us, except for the removal of the front panel and the exchange
of the front label as described in chapter 3.6.
It is of utmost importance that only the battery types indicated in this manual are used.
Make sure to use leakage-free batteries. The warranty does not apply to damages that are
caused by leaking batteries.
The operating instructions are to be followed carefully. No guarantee or liability whatsoever
will be provided regarding safety against manipulation, loss and correctness of the
displayed, printed or transferred data and results.
All relevant system components of the BENZING M1 were examined according to the CE
regulations, certified according to EN 60950 (IEC 950) and correspond to the DIN/VDE 0850
guidelines. In addition, the BENZING M1 system meets the requirements set up by the ETSI
(European Telecommunication Standard Institute).
GANTNER Pigeon Systems GmbH checks all devices thoroughly due to hardware or software
failures. But failures can never be entirely excluded and will be corrected or repaired
according to the guarantee definitions. GANTNER Pigeon Systems GmbH cannot be called to
account for damages or disadvantages (e.g. profit loss from bets) which occur due to those