BENZING M1 – Fancier
GANTNER Pigeon Systems GmbH
Initial Status Display
No pigeon has arrived yet:
Name of the fancier (the first 11 letters)
Current time
Active races (the first 3 races are indicated)
Velocity countdown (in case release data has been
Number of the arrived and registered pigeons
Is indicated if the INN (constant registration module)
is connected
Menu key (green) to recall the main menu
Number of the connected loft antennas (PLB)
If one or more pigeons have arrived:
Number of the pigeon (the last one to arrive)
Name of the race of the last arriving pigeon
Time of arrival and velocity
Symbol indicates that a bet has been made for this
pigeon (nomination, money game)
Will be shown if the BENZING M1 is connected and
linked to a BENZING Station
Menu key (red) to recall the list(s) of the arrived
pigeon(s) (active list(s))
If any key is pressed the display returns to the initial status:
Symbol for active races