BENZING M1 – Fancier
GANTNER Pigeon Systems GmbH
The pigeons are registered in the club according to their pigeon rings. As an option a
season map can be generated and loaded into BENZING M1. To start a race the pigeons are
basketed for the race. Then the fancier takes the BENZING M1 to his loft. The arriving
pigeons register on the loft antennas. The evaluation takes place in the club. The fancier
clears the race so that he can use the basketed pigeons again for another race.
The registration and coupling of an electronic ring number with the corresponding pigeon
data can be made with the club software on a PC and saved in the BENZING M1. Or the
pigeons can only be registered in the BENZING M1 and then a ring is coupled with the
pigeon data at the club using the BENZING ClubSystem or the Club Antenna CAN.
If a training starts, all pigeons are automatically registered for this training, except for those
that have been basketed for a race, that were nominated or that bets have been placed on.
Before loading the pigeons into the transporter, they have to be basketed for a race.
Changes concerning the data of the basketed pigeons can only be made after a particular
race has finished.
When basketing the pigeon, the secret number is saved on the ring as well as in the
BENZING M1. When evaluating the race, the stored secret numbers are compared and the result
is shown on the evaluation of the race. Thus, several methods of manipulation are ruled out.
Arrival of the Pigeons in the Loft (Registration)
As soon as the fancier has connected his BENZING M1 in his loft with the loft antennas to
the power mains after basketing, the device is ready to register the arriving pigeons. If a
pigeon lands on a loft antenna, the pigeon number and the secret number are read from
the pigeon’s ring and saved in the BENZING M1 together with the exact time of arrival. The
list of the arrived and missing pigeons can be recalled on the display as well as printed at
any time.
If you have a BENZING Station, you can also unplug the BENZING M1 from the station and
take it with you. The station will continue register the arriving pigeons autonomously. After
the BENZING M1 is plugged into the station again, the registered pigeons in the station will
be transferred to the BENZING M1.