IF 632 Installation and Operation Manual
Release: 3 01/31/01
The SmartStart automated programming process feature is available in the
Gamewell’s IF 600 control panels. This initialization process uniquely configures
the system parameters in memory. The system automatically ties its inputs to its
outputs through the creation of the Control-By-Event tables.
During power-up and after a hardware reset, the controller decides if the system has
previously had a configuration in memory. If the system does not have a
configuration data base, the system polls all of the modules for type codes, status
and placement, then builds a hardware configuration data base. It then polls all 126
device addresses on each circuit of the Analog Interface card. When a valid
response is detected to any of the addresses polled, a data base for the device is
created in memory. This data base for the device consists of information specific to
the device such as its circuit, its address, its device type etc. The complete data base
for the addressable devices is divided into circuit tables that store the information
for all of the 126 possible devices on each circuit. The circuit table is then further
divided into an input table and an output table. Input tables consist of all initiating
devices (detectors, pull stations, etc.) while the output table consists of all the
actuating devices (relays and signal circuits, etc.). At the completion of the
SmartStart cycle the system is configured as a general alarm system. All initiating
devices are assigned to automatic zones. Any initiating device(s) reporting an alarm
condition will activate all signal circuits steady and relays active.
During system operation the controller sequentially polls all initiating devices that
are listed in the input tables. All analog circuits are polled independently and
The additional system programming is completed through tactile keypad switches
mounted on the front Operators Display (OD). Main level display screens are menu
driven and users are prompted to enter sequential keystrokes. Additional
programming can also be accomplished through a P. C. connected to the serial port.
Programming Prompts
During all levels of programming, the system will be in an off-line status and no alarms will
be processed. The protected premises should be monitored by a fire watch or other reliable
>>NOTE: Before proceeding, notify all personnel, monitoring companies and municipalities
that the system will be temporarily "out of service".
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