IF 632 Installation and Operation Manual
Release: 3 01/31/01
Control by Event Table
This table consists of up to 256 lines that represent each of the possible Input Groups. Each set of two
characters in the line represents a Hexadecimal number. When these numbers are converted to Binary and
configured in rows from LSB to MSB each row represents an output group from 1 to 256. In network
systems, there will be separate CBE tables for each node in the network that will oprate ouput groups on this
A three digit number (0-250 leading 0s may be omited) identifying the node whos input groups
will activate outputs on this panel. A zero (0) indicates this panel, other numbers indicate panel Node
numbers of other panels connected to the network which are programmed to activate outputs on this
panel. Multiple CBE tables will exist only in network systems.
A three digit number (0-255 leading 0s may be omited) identifying the Input group number
associated with the following Output group line
The start and end of each of the 5 word libraries are delimited by two fore slash characters. Word dictionaries 1-4
may have up to 126 entries and dictionary 5 may have up to 1023 entries. Entry 0 in each dictionary should be left
blank for default purposes.
Word dictionary 1, Entry 0
Word dictionary 1, Entry 1
Word dictionary 1, Entry 126(maximum)
Word dictionary 2, Entry 0
Word dictionary 2, Entry 1
Word dictionary 2, Entry 126(maximum)
Word dictionary 3, Entry 0
Word dictionary 3, Entry 1
Word dictionary 3, Entry 126(maximum)
Word dictionary 4, Entry 0
Word dictionary 4, Entry 1
Word dictionary 4, Entry 126(maximum)
Word dictionary 5, Entry 0
Word dictionary 5, Entry 1
Word dictionary 5, Entry 1023(maximum)
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