Installation Manual
Page 9
Machine Architecture
The left and right sides of the machine are referenced while seated in the
operator's seat, facing the normal direction of travel. Graphics are depicted from the
operator's point of view.
Machine architecture is referenced by what type of cylinder arrangement controls the blade - Lift &
Tilt or Lift & Lift.
Left side and right side are defined as the operator would view the system when facing forward in
the operators seat.
Lift & Tilt is a common dozer arrangement. Typically for a bulldozer, one set of cylinders are linked
together for blade lift. A separate circuit controls blade tilt which pivots about a single pivot point.
Lift & Tilt is not confined to bulldozers. Skid steer attachments and other tractor attachments may
operate as a Lift & Tilt system. These systems may use a single lift cylinder.
Machine Architecture
Blade Tilt
Pivot Point
Lift & Lift is a common motorgrader arrangement. A separate cylinder controls each side for
blade lift which pivots about a point on the opposite end of the blade. Lift & Lift is not confined
to motorgraders. Tractor attachments such as drag boxes may operate as a Lift & Lift system.
Additionally tandem pulled behind scrapers can operate as two independent lift systems.
Pivot Point
Left Hand Side Lift
Pivot Point
Right Hand Side Lift
Blade Lift