Clear 22:
Discharge temperature protection (permanent stoppage)
Hydraulic Unit LED:
Green 10 flashes / Red 1 flashes
Outdoor Unit LED:
Probable causes:
Valve is close
EEV failure
Gas leak, less
Discharge Thermistor failure
Outdoor Fan operation failure
Outdoor Heat Exchanger clogged
Clear 22:
1. Check if gas valve is open:
If it is not open, open it and check the
2. Check EEV and Strainer:
Are EEV and Strainer open?
If EEV or Strainer is defective, replace it.
Cooling mode
1. Check if liquid valve is open:
If it is not open, open it and check the
2. Check EEV and Strainer:
Are EEV and Strainer open?
If EEV or Strainer is defective, replace it.
Heating mode
3. Check if gas leak or less gas:
Measure gas pressure, if there is a leak, correct it.
If recharging refrigerant, make sure to perform vacuuming and recharge the specified amount.
4. Check Discharge Pipe Thermistor:
- Is it on the holder?
- Is there a cable pinched?
Check characteristics of thermistor (Refer to Clear 7), If defective, replace the thermistor
5. Check Outdoor Heat Exchanger:
- Is there any obstructing the air flow route?
- Is there any clogging of outdoor unit Heat Exchanger?
If clogged, clear the clog.
6. Check Outdoor Fan:
Check Outdoor Fan Motor. (Refer to Clear 18)
If the Fan Motor is failure, replace it.
Maintenance document "1792 - EN"
- 23 -
Split system single phase type