SVmco User Guidel
the disk management command being executed before executing the
(1) Syntax
In Linux
/opt/fujitsu/SVmco/bin/diskctrl {-l|-e|-i|-o|-c} {Devicename|
In Windows
diskctrl {-l|-i|-o} {diskno| \\device\scsiportno\slotno}
(2) Options
l: Status display
This option displays a list of HDDs recognized by the operating system.
e: Disk rotation stop instruction
This option stops the rotation of the HDD specified in [Devicename] or
[iocx/slotno]. Then, it turns on the Fault LED.
i: Location display
This option causes the Fault LED to blink to indicate the location of the
HDD specified in [Devicename], or the SGPIO controller specified in
o: Location turn-off
This option turns off the Fault LED that indicates the location of the HDD
specified in [Devicename] or the SGPIO controller specified in [iocx/slotno].