3 - 25
The MODE SELECT parameter is ordinarily different in its configuration depending
on the input/output device and the type of controller. It is also possible that current
definitions may be expanded in accordance with the expansion of the functions of the
IDD in the future. In order to assure independence of software from the individual
specifications of input/output devices, before the INIT issues this command, it should
follow the procedure of using the MODE SENSE and MODE SENSE EXTENDED
command to determine the types of parameters the TARG is actually equipped with
and the attributes of those parameters, such as whether or not they can be changed.
After changing anything in the "Block descriptor," "Format parameters (Page 3)" or
"Drive parameters (Page 4)," with the MODE SELECT or MODE SELECT
EXTENDED command, it is impossible to execute a command to access the data on
the disk media until execution of the FORMAT UNIT command is completed, and a
CHECK CONDITION status (MEDIUM ERROR [=3] / Medium format corrupted
[=31-00] is reported for all such commands.
The configuration and functions of the "Page descriptors" supported by the IDD are described
In the diagram that shows the configuration of each individual "Page Descriptor," the
default column shows that parameter's "default" value and the "variable" column shows
whether or not it is possible to vary that parameter ("1" indicates that it can be varied).
The INIT can know those values and attributes by using the MODE SENSE or MODE