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c. Bus Inactivity Limit
This parameter indicates the maximum time that the TARG is permitted to keep the SCSI
bus in the Busy state (BSY Signal = TRUE) without executing a REQ/ACK handshake, in
multiples of 100
s. In the IDD, this value is 100
s during normal operation. It is
impossible for this parameter to be changed by the INIT. The IDD disregards the value
specified in this parameter and operates according to the "Default" value.
d. Disconnect Time Limit
This parameter specifies the maximum time that the TARG is permitted to continue in the
disconnect state until it starts reconnect processing, in multiples of 100
In the IDD, this value is 0
s. It is impossible for this parameter to be changed by the
INIT. The IDD disregards the value specified in this parameter and operates according to
the "Default" value.
Connect Time Limit
This parameter specifies the maximum time that the TARG is permitted to use the SCSI
bus until it starts disconnect processing, in multiples of 100
In the IDD, this value is 0(s. It is impossible for this parameter to be changed by the INIT.
The IDD disregards the value specified in this parameter and operates according to the
"Default" value..
Maximum Burst Size
This parameter specifies the maximum volume of data the TARG is permitted to transfer
continuously in the DATA IN phase or the DATA OUT phase until it starts disconnect
processing, in multiples of 512 bytes.
In the IDD, this value is 0(s. It is impossible for this parameter to be changed by the INIT.
The IDD disregards the value specified in this parameter and operates according to the
"Default" value.