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This status indicates that the IDD is currently executing processing of another command and
that a new command cannot be received. The INIT that receives this status can reissue the
original command.
Under a multi-initiator environment, when an INIT receives this status, the time until the IDD
can receive the next command depends on the operating state with other INITs, so ordinarily,
it cannot be predicted. In such a case, it is necessary for the INIT that issued the command for
which this status was received to repeatedly issue the command until it is accepted.
This status shows, under a multi-initiator environment, that the IDD is currently reserved by
another INIT, and cannot be used until that reserved status is released.
The period over which the reserved status continues should be managed by the system, but
normally, an INIT that receives this status reissues the original command after waiting an
appropriate length of time. The wait time until a command is reissued is generally an inherent
value of the system and it is necessary that consideration be given to the operating states of the
other INITs in the system when deciding it.
Of the INIT which reserved the IDD falls into a state which it cannot recover from for any
reason before the reserved state is released, it will be impossible for other INITs to access the
IDD because that reserved state will continue. In such a case, it is necessary for the INIT to
take one of the following measures to forcibly release the reserved state and recover the access
RESET Condition