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The above procedure installs VBMan which is the control software for RS232 (COM) port. If
your PC has other RS232 software installed, VBMan may not be able to configure the COM port. In
such a case, UN-install software or use another PC.
To setup Microsoft® EXCEL “40S-PC E03” Program
Connect RS232 cable to PC COM port and FSM-40S
Turn splicer ON
Open “40S-PC E03.xls” file
Set baud rate for splicer and program to the same rate (fastest baud rate = 19200)
Open My computer ¥ control panel ¥ ports folder to excess COM port 1 configuration. Confirm the
following settings:
Baud Rate = 19200
Data bits = 8
Parity = none
Stop bits = 1
Flow control = none
EXCEL program automatically configures the COM port.
Confirm communication between PC and Splicer