Ribbon cable function
What to Test
What to adjust
Desired status
Electrical resistance of cable
Disconnect mains plug, remove
covers and unplug cables from
both printed circuits
Visual check
Check cables for damage, short
circuits, and line disconnections
Check plug and socket for
damage, bent or loose contacts
Electronic measurement by
ohmmeter or continuity tester
Set measuring instrument to
beeper or Ohm area.
Check each cable wire.
This involves placing the
measuring tips on the top of the
connector against the metal
cutters to check each wire
against the other.
Each wire individually:
If the wire is OK:
Ohm on the ohmmeter:
beep signal on beeper.
Defective wire:
Ohm on Ohmmeter: no beep
signal on beeper (interruption).
Each wire against the other
If the wire is OK:
Ohm on Ohmmeter: no beep
signal on beeper
Defective wire:
Ohm on ohmmeter; beep
signal on beeper (short
circuit, squashed wires)
High voltage !