In this particular example, we are strictly looking to write a
data value, so we will be performing a write function (06):
7100 decimal equals 1BBC hex. Looking at our example,
we see that we need a H.O. (High Order) address and a
L.O. (Low Order) address. Since all data sent and
received is in ASCII Hex Byte format, we need to look at
BC Hex as the Low Order portion of the address. The High
Order portion is 1B. Now our decimal 7100 is formatted as
1BBC Hex:
The value that we wish to send is 25.0 (250). Our Data
Value part of the data packet is looking for a High and a
Low Order value. The number 250 (dec) must be
converted to hexadecimal. This conversion results in 03FA
(hex). Separating 00FA into two bytes results in the Low
Order Value of FA (hex) and the High Order Value of 00
In order to ensure that the Quantum™ in question
receives the data request accurately, we must append an
Error Check byte to the end of the message. This is
accomplished by adding each of the byte pairs (hex) that
we have generated thus far:
01 + 06 + 1B + BC + 00 + FA = 1D8 hex
Normally, we would subtract 1D8 (hex) from 100 (hex), as
in the previous read example. However, in this case we
see that 1D8 hex is greater than 100 hex. Since the math
in this particular example would yield a negative number
(FFFFFF28), we need to modify the value of 1D8 Hex in
order to provide a positive result. This is accomplished
quite simply by dropping the most left hand digit (1D8
becomes D8):
100 (hex) – D8 (hex) = 28 (hex)
After the entire data packet has been created, simply
press the [Enter] key, a Line Feed will automatically be
sent also.
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF