S90-510 CS (MAR 07) FRICK
Page 34
In order to ensure that the Quantum™ in question
receives the data request accurately, we must append an
Error Check byte to the end of the message. This is
accomplished by adding each of the byte pairs (hex) that
we have generated thus far:
01 + 03 + 7D + 00 + 00 + 01 = 82 hex
Next, subtract 82 (hex) from 100 (hex):
100 (hex) – 82 (hex) = 7E (hex)
After the entire data packet has been created, simply
press the [Enter] key, a Line Feed will automatically be
sent also.
Write Example:
NOTE: To perform write functions to the AcuAir
Quantum™, the Control Source (Frick
address 4002)
must be set to Remote. This can be done through
communications. The Control Source is the only AcuAir
address that can be written to without the panel having to
already be in remote.
To demonstrate how an address within the Quantum™
may be written to, the following test can be performed
using Windows HyperTerminal:
As an example, a MODBUS
command will be created,
and sent to set the Quantum™ to set the “Process 1
Cooling Setpoint” to 25.0°
C. First, be aware that data
sent to and received by the Quantum™ LX has one
decimal place assumed. This means that to send the
value of 25.0, you actually need to send 250. Using the
address tables found later in this manual, locate the
address for the “Process 1 Cooling Setpoint”. In this case,
it would be Frick
7100 (decimal). Since this is the only address we are
interested in writing to, send the following message:
Look at this message on a more basic level, to understand
how the address that we are writing to is arrived at. We
want to send the value of 250 (25.0) to the Process
1Control Setpoint, Frick
Address 7100 (decimal).
The first part of the message will be a Colon ( : ). This
represents a “heads up” alert that data is coming “down
the line”.
Any time that a message is sent, all of the Quantum™
panels that are on the Modbus network will become active,
communications wise, once the Colon appears. Next, all
panels will look at the first byte following the Colon ( : ). If
this byte equals the Panel ID # of the particular
Quantum™ being queried, it will immediately finish
reading the remainder of the message. If the byte does not
equal its ID #, the message will be ignored.
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Message Start
Quantum™ ID #
Read Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Registers
L.O. # of Data Registers
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
: 01 03 7D 00 00 01 7E CRLF
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
Message Start
Quantum™ ID #
Read Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Registers
L.O. # of Data Registers
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
: 01 03 7D 00 00 01 7E CRLF
Start of Message
Quantum™ ID #
Write Function
H.O. address (hex)
L.O. address (hex)
H.O. # of Data Value
L.O. # of Data Value
Error Correction Code
Carriage Return – Line Feed
01 06 1B BC 00 FA 28 CRLF