Troubleshooting |
Collecting diagnostic logs
The Form 3BL maintains diagnostic logs to provide detailed information about the machine that may
expedite issue investigation. After experiencing any error or unusual behavior on the Form 3BL,
include the diagnostic logs with other relevant observations and details when contacting Formlabs
Support or a certified service provider. The options for sharing diagnostic logs vary depending on the
machine’s connection type. For detailed guidance and visual assistance, visit
Performing a factory reset
On some occasions, a factory reset may correct unusual printer behavior. Unusual behavior may include
unknown error messages, incomplete firmware updates, an unresponsive touchscreen, or trouble
connecting to PreForm. For detailed guidance and visual assistance, visit
Do not perform a factory reset immediately before contacting Formlabs Support
or a certified service provider. The stored diagnostic information may be helpful to
Formlabs Support or a certified service provider to assist with troubleshooting. A
factory reset erases diagnostic information and custom settings, including uploaded
print jobs and networked connections.
Cleaning after a failed print
Occasionally, a print may fail to complete. A failed print may leave small, partially-cured pieces
of resin floating in the resin tank or hard cured resin stuck to the flexible film interior. Inspect
the resin tank after every print. Remove debris after a failed print. For detailed guidance and
visual assistance, visit
Skin irritant: Resin and solvent may cause skin irritation or an allergic skin reaction.
Wear gloves when handling liquid resin, resin-coated surfaces, or solvent. Wash skin
with plenty of soap and water.
Sharp and metal tools can damage the dual-layer, flexible film and affect print quality,
leading to print failures and/or a resin spill. Do not use sharp or metal tools like the
removal tool, scraper, or flush cutters to inspect or clean the resin tank. Only use the
tank tool to inspect and remove cured resin from the flexible film inside the resin tank.
Removing cured resin with the cleaning mesh
Formlabs Low Force Stereolithography (LFS)™ printers can print a cleaning mesh, which is a thin,
flat printed part that binds loose debris together. The cleaning mesh adheres to the flexible
film interior for removal using the tank tool. Print a cleaning mesh after a failed print to more
easily remove cured resin and other debris.
Required supplies
Non-reactive nitrile gloves
Paper towels
Tank too