Formlabs provides instructions to advise in installing, operating, and maintaining the machine.
It shall only be maintained by a qualified and trained person. Unauthorized disassembly
or repair procedures may damage the machine. There are two groups of maintenance
procedures: regular, which should be done after every print, and intermittent maintenance,
which only needs to be done occasionally. Please keep a log detailing when each intermittent
maintenance procedure was last performed. For detailed guidance and visual assistance, visit
• Formlabs provides instructions to advise skilled and unskilled persons in installing,
operating, and maintaining the Form 3BL. The Form 3BL shall only be maintained by
a qualified and trained person.
• Do not open the machine and/or investigate internal components unless under the
guidance of Formlabs or a certified service provider. Contact Formlabs Support or a
certified service provider for any additional guidance.
• Unauthorized disassembly or repair procedures may damage the machine and void
the warranty.
• Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when performing maintenance tasks. Use
tools only as described.
• Disconnect the machine from its power source before maintenance. Moving parts
present crushing and tangling hazards.
Tools and supplies
Only use tools, chemicals, or procedures to maintain the Form 3BL that are outlined in this
manual, by prompts on the printer’s touchscreen, and
Do not use any unapproved tools, chemicals, or procedures with the Form 3BL unless
otherwise instructed to do so by Formlabs Support or a certified service provider.
Cleaning mesh
For cleaning the flexible film interior.
Cotton swabs
For cleaning the cartridge ID chips.
General purpose cleaner (e.g., glass cleaner) and/or soapy water
For cleaning the printer’s cover, outer shells, and display.
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), 90% or higher
° For cleaning the printer’s optical components, build platform, and cartridge ID chips.
° For cleaning the work surface and tools.
Lithium grease for ball bearings
For lubricating the X- and Z-axis screws.
Low-fiber paper towels
° For cleaning the work surface and tools.
° For protecting sensitive components.
° For wiping residue grease, resin, or solvent.