Maintaining the X- and Z-axis screws
The Light Processing Unit (LPU) housing and the build platform carriage ride along the X-axis
ball screw and Z-axis lead screw, respectively. Both screws must be lubricated for these X- and
Z-axis components to move smoothly and quietly.
Moving parts. Disconnect the machine from its power source. Moving parts present
crushing and tangling hazards. Inspecting the X- and Z-axis screws
Visually inspect the X- and Z-axis screws to ensure that the LPU housing and build platform
carriage move smoothly and that there is no debris built up in the screw threads.
Required supplies
Microfiber cloth or low-fiber
paper towels
Lithium grease for ball bearings
Non-reactive nitrile gloves
To inspect the X-axis screw:
1. Put on a new, clean pair of nitrile gloves.
2. Rotate the X-axis screw. Depending on your printer’s firmware version, there is a
maintenance option, accessible through the printer’s touchscreen, that moves the build
platform carriage or LPU housing along their respective screws. For detailed guidance and
visual assistance, visit
3. As the LPU housing moves right and left, listen, look, and feel to check for areas that emit
noise or where the tank carrier sticks or moves less smoothly.
4. Visually inspect the ball screw to ensure that no debris or foreign objects obstruct the ball
screw or path of motion.
5. Visually inspect the ball screw to ensure that lubricant covers the full length of the screw
6. In the case that the screw is missing lubricant or if the X-axis emits intermittent noises when
printing, lubricate the ball screw using the instructions below.
To inspect the Z-axis screw:
1. Put on a new, clean pair of nitrile gloves.
2. Rotate the Z-axis screw. Depending on your printer’s firmware version, there is a maintenance
option, accessible through the printer’s touchscreen, that moves the build platform carriage
or LPU housing along their respective screws. For detailed guidance and visual assistance,
3. As the build platform carriage moves up and down, listen, look, and feel to check for areas
that emit noise or where the build platform carriage sticks or moves less smoothly.
4. Visually inspect the lead screw to ensure that no debris or foreign objects obstruct the
lead screw or path of motion.
5. Visually inspect the lead screw to ensure that lubricant covers the full length of the
screw threads.
6. In the case that the screw is missing lubricant or if the Z-axis emits intermittent noises when
printing, lubricate the lead screw using the instructions below.