Preparing the file for printing
Use PreForm software to process STL or OBJ files. Prepare, save, and upload FORM files to
the printer. Adding a model
Import multiple part files into PreForm to print multiple parts on a single build platform.
To add a model:
1. In the menu bar, click
File > Open
. The
Open File
window opens.
2. Select at least one file.
3. Click
. The selected models appear in PreForm. Orienting a model
Orienting a model within the build volume consists of two components: moving a model and
rotating a model. Position a model to prevent suction cups and reduce minima.
To move a model to a different location:
1. Select the model in PreForm. Manipulators are overlaid on the model.
2. To move:
° Click-and-drag the
manipulator to a new location on the build platform.
° Click-and-drag the selected model to a new location on the build platform.
To rotate a model along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes:
3. Select the model in PreForm. Manipulators are overlaid on the model.
4. Click
. A dialogue box opens.
5. To rotate:
° Click-and-drag along the sphere manipulator to spin the model freely.
° Click-and-drag on a ring to move the model along that axis.
° Enter a specific angle into an axis field.
° Click on an axis arrow.
° Hover the pointer over an axis field and use the scroll wheel. Supporting a model
Supports reinforce overhangs and other delicate features for maximum printability. They
should be removed after the print is complete. Supports can be auto-generated en masse or
individually placed by hand.
To auto-generate supports:
1. Select the model in PreForm.
2. Click
. A dialog box opens.
3. Click
Auto-Generate All
. Supports are added to all models on the build platform.
To manually add and edit supports:
1. Select the model in PreForm. Manipulators are overlaid on the model.
2. Click
. A dialog box opens.
3. Click
The model turns gray and supports are shown as white touchpoints.
4. Click on the under-supported areas in red to add a support. White touchpoints appear
where clicked.
5. Click
. Supports are regenerated and remaining under-supported areas are
highlighted in red.
6. Repeat until the model is fully supported.