Tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether (TPM)
Formlabs does not manufacture tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether. Consult the
chemical manufacturer or supplier for detailed safety information. Carefully follow
the safety instructions provided with the tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether you
purchase. We also recommend that you wear protective gloves when working with
tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Safe operation of the Form 3BL can be achieved by implementing the following equipment:
Non-reactive nitrile gloves
Safety glasses
Skin irritant: Resin and solvent may cause skin irritation or an allergic skin reaction.
Wear gloves when handling liquid resin, resin-coated surfaces, or solvent. Wash skin
with plenty of soap and water.
Risk of eye injury: Some methods of support removal may cause small pieces of
supports to break away. Beware of flying debris. Wear eye protection and gloves to
protect the skin and eyes.
Specifications of tools to be used
The Form 3BL shall only be used with supplied accessories and additional tools recommended
by Formlabs. Third-party accessories and materials may cause damage. Refer to sections
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
for more information.
Purchase additional supplies:
Cotton swabs
For cleaning the cartridge ID chips.
General purpose cleaner (e.g., glass cleaner)
For cleaning the printer’s cover, outer shells, and display.
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), 90% or higher
° Recommend washing solvent for rinsing prints.
° For cleaning the printer’s optical components, build platform, and cartridge ID chips.
° For cleaning the work surface and tools.
Lithium grease for ball bearings
For lubricating the X-and Z-axis screws.
Low-fiber paper towels
° For cleaning the work surface and tools.
° For protecting sensitive components.
° For wiping residue grease, resin, or solvent.
Non-abrasive microfiber cloth
For cleaning the printer’s cover, outer shells, and display.