Manual # 26-0111000-00 / Revision D
ScreenPro PLUS – Multi-Screen Seamless Switcher
Presets are storage locations that allow the user to quickly recall previously saved information.
Presets are always
learned from Preview and recalled to Preview.
The information you bring to Preview (screen selections, group selections, input choices, transition effect, trans rate,
etc.) can all be stored to a Preset memory location. Presets are then recalled, by selecting the corresponding Preset
Key. The stored information is then loaded into Preview to await transition to Program.
The console has four (4) pages of sixteen (16) preset memory locations for a total of 64 Preset memory locations.
Once a Preset is learned, the user can simply press the desired Preset Key and the stored information is recalled to
Preview status.
Once a Preset has been recalled, the user can change any of the stored parameters. For example, if Preset #2 is
recalled and the user decides to select a new input source, simply select the new source on the Preview bus and that
source will be used in the transition.
The Preset memories can include:
Input Selection(s)
Transition Rate
Aux Input Selection(s)
Individual Screens or Groups
Effects (including PIP, KEYING and PIP LINK looks)
Preset Tutorial
Presets can convert what would have been a time-consuming transition setup to be a single-button recall to Preview.
The Preset we will build is a pretty common type of scenario (graphics on the outside screens and I-Mag on center
screen) This Preset will reduce approx. 10 button keystrokes to a single-button recall to Preview.
The Preset we will build will have the following information:
Screens 1 & 3 will have Input 8
Screen 2 will have Input 1 (cam 1)
Aux 1 & 2 will have Input 8 (to follow GFX Screens)
Aux 4 will have Input 1 (to record. the I-Mag image)
(All Screens will use a 1.0 sec rate with a wipe-down effect)
Learning Groups
Groups allow a user to quickly select a combination of Destinations to become Active with the push of a single button.
In this example we will build groups with the following destinations:
Group 1 will contain Screen 1, 3 and Aux 1 and 2.
Group 2 will contain Screen 2 and Aux 4.
To create this scenario, first push and hold the Group 1 key. The destinations currently assigned to this Group will
light in the Destination Bar. While holding Group 1, push Screen 1, then Screen 3, then Aux 1 and finally Aux 2. If any
other lights in the destination bus are illuminated, simply push these keys to extinguish the lights and unassociated
those destination with this Group. Now you can release the Group 1 key.
Next, push and hold the Group 2 key and then push Screen 2 and then Aux 4. Just as before, if any other lights in the
destination bus are illuminated, simply push these keys to extinguish the lights and unassociated those destination
with this Group.
To verify that the Groups have been assigned correctly, simply push Group 1. Screens 1 and 3 along with Aux 1 and
2 should be the only active destination keys to light in the Destination Bus. By pushing the Group 2 key, Screen 2 and
Aux 4 will become the only active destinations. All other destinations will become unlit along with the Group 1 key.
If you want Screen 1, 2 and 3 along with Aux 1, 2 and 4 to be active, simply push the Group 1 and 2 keys