• User Defined...
To open the User Defined Paper Size dialog box, select the User
Defined... option from the Paper Size menu. In this dialog, you can
create your custom size. Enter the width and length, and type the
name of your custom size. Then click “Save” to save the settings.
Up to ten settings can be saved. To delete a setting, click the saved
name in the list, then click the Delete button.
• Reduce or Enlarge
Scaling can be set between 25% to 400%. This control is grayed out
when you select “User Defined…” (including user defined names)
for paper size. The default setting is 100%.
C. Orientation
Orientation determines the direction of the image as it prints on the
cover, and whether it is right or reverse reading.
• Portrait/Landscape
Click one of the radio buttons to set the orientation to either
Portrait or Landscape.
• Flip Horizontal
Turning on this option prints an image flipped horizontally, the
mirror image of the document as it displays on your screen. You
may want to use this feature when printing in black or white on
Clear Covers.
• Upside Down check box
Check this box to rotate the image 180º when printing. Make sure
this box in checked whenever you are printing with Foilfast Title
D. Copies
You may enter the numbers of copies you wish to print here
(optional). This feature is also available in the main Print Window.
E. Print Mode
This section is where you decide which and how many colors you
wish to print.
• Single Ink (one foil color)
The Single Ink print mode allows a document to be printed in one
specific color using any selected foil color cartridge. When you
select Single Ink mode, all selectable cartridges are shown with
radio buttons in the Select Cartridge(s) area. The default cartridge
selection is Gold Foil.