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Electric heater
When using electric heater unit please check if each electric wire is connected properly. Electric heater is equipped with thermostat
with temperature set option and separate temperature limiting system. When requested temperature is reached, thermostat will
switch off the current, and switch it on again after heater is cooled. When the temperature limit is exceeded, to start system again,
temperature limit system reset is necessary. Please remember to switch off the unit when resetting system. Heater proper working
is determined by service staff during first launch, and also during maintenance checks.
Gas heater
Gas connection to device can be conducted only by qualified staff with proper attestations.
Przed każdym urządzeniem należy zamontować zawór odcinający, w miejscu łatwo dostępnym dla użytkownika. Zaleca się
również montaż siatkowych filtrów gazowych przed każdym urządzeniem. Stosowanie takich filtrów zabezpiecza wewnętrzną
armaturę gazową (elektrozawór) przed zanieczyszczeniami oraz pozwala na szybkie i pewne odpowietrzenie instalacji bez
konieczności rozkręcania instalacji (jest to szczególnie istotne podczas pierwszego uruchomienia).
Make sure there is easy service access to the connection stub.
Before switching on the heater check:
air duct to burning chamber and smoke outlet duct are unobstructed,,
gas pipes are vented,
power system and all controlling and securing devices are installed properly,
heater is set for proper gas type (nozzle diameter),
in the case of using gas other than GZ-50 / E or propane / propane-butane, it is necessary to inform the service
department in advance in order to equip employees with adequate nozzles,
gas pressure in heater is correct.
First launch must be conducted by authorized service staff.
Caution high exhaust gas outlet temperature.
The condensate drainage system from the gas heater must be adapted to the designed operating
conditions, taking into account local regulations.
An additional nozzle must be purchased when using a gas other than G20, G30 or G31. The nozzles can be purchased by contacting
the manufacturer.
Gas type
Supply pressure
20 mbar
20 mbar
13 mbar
30 – 50 mbar
30 –37-50 mbar
Pilot nozzle
0,70 mm
0,75 mm
0,70 mm
0,51 mm
0,51 mm